Towards Healthy Life

One little thing at the time

No calorie tracking this weekend

Saturday’s stats


Sunday’s stats


I stopped calorie tracking Saturday because I made a big and very healthy stir-fry with lots of veggies and did not want to spend 30 minutes trying to figure out how many calories was in my portion. Instead I portioned my rice and didn’t worry about the stir-fry. Didn’t log anything Sunday either, just out of laziness.

So was going to weigh myself this morning but I moved some furniture around this weekend and must have unplugged the Wii so I did not have time this morning to move the everything and plug it back. I’ll do it tonight. I am back at logging my food.

So for those of you that cooks family dinner, do you take the time to count and portion to know how many calories you are eating? I used to do it, for every single bit(when I was not working that is) but now I don’t have that kind of extra time anymore.

Monday is hard!!Even the little ones were all super tired today and are now napping YES!

Have a good week!

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2 thoughts on “No calorie tracking this weekend

  1. I did figure out my portion of the food, but most times I actually fixed myself something different – NOT saying that’s the best way to go, especially if you’re trying to help your daughter eat healthy.
    Do you tend to make the same meals over again? Once you’ve done the figuring, it should be easier the next time.
    Mondays are hard on everyone, aren’t they? And your weekend stats look great. I consider veggies “free”, so you did right to just pay attention to the rice.
    Hope your Wii is nice to you in the morning! 🙂

  2. I just fixed the wii this afternoon so I should be able to get on the board tomorrow morning. For my daughter I try to go with the 1/4 starch 1/4 meat 1/2 veggies, so I just kinda done that for me too this weekend. You are right if I count it once its done no matter what the meat or sauce is I would have a better idea of what I am getting. I like free veggie too 🙂 so I prepared some celery stick for when I need exercise my jaw 😉

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