Towards Healthy Life

One little thing at the time

Archive for the category “Exercise”

Awesome first day and…

..not so great second day.

Lets start with the good stuff lol



So I was amazed by the amount of calories that I burned yesterday and I was feeling so good! I had heaps of energy even if I was lacking sleep until I hurt by back in the afternoon. When I went to bed my back was really sore. I chose not to exercise in the morning to take it easy on my back because I need it to work and live but I was not happy about not doing it.

This morning when the alarm went off I, the person who is too asleep to make wise decision but still thinks she has all her head, decided to reset both alarm clock for 30 minutes later instead of hitting snooze 20 times. So 1 hour later she wakes up by some miracle with 15 minutes to get herself and her daughter ready.

I hate those morning. I absolutely cannot be late because people will show up at my door anyway (have a home day care) and I will have to answer the door hiding in my bathrobe with the blanket printed of my face. This is why I have a battery alarm clock and an electric one too. Maybe I need another one on top of a shelf so high that I would have to climb on a chair to smack it.

So lets push the complaining further

  1. Sore back
  2. No work out
  3. Got up late
  4. The parcel that I was going to pick up tonight at the post shop is now under the snow because the roof just collapsed because there was about 4 feet of snow on the store’s flat roof( some people are just %#%?$#, a flat roof and snow don’t go together)
  5. Just had 2 timtams (decadent sip your coffee through it chocolate biscuits)

Now because I need it I will do as Berestain Bears Mamma would say and …

Count my blessings

  1. I just had 2 timtams and a a delicious latté
  2. The physical therapy clinic accepted to take me in tonight despite the short notice
  3. The kids are sleeping so I get to complain to you guys
  4. I have a beautiful family that I love
  5. I have great loyal blogging friends that are there for me
  6. I am able to make an acceptable income from my home
  7. I have food to eat, water to drink
  8. I can still walk
  9. I have a new computer not because I wanted one but because the old one died
  10. I just loaded windows writer and so much easier to write a post on it.
  11. And I could go on and on.. but that will do for now

Warming up to the idea

So I didn’t do good with the food through the week end but did alright yesterday


I should be able to make through today as well.

So Sunday after Hubby went ice fishing with a friend and caught 2 huge pikes, I asked him if we could put the treadmill in the living room next weekend and he said yes!!! I won’t jump of excitement just yet in case he forget about it this week…He is not Alzheimer but see if he still things it’s ok when Saturday comes. I know I could use it right now as walking is about the only thing I can do. I would start at a very slow pace for only 5 min. because I want to get stronger not worst.

The treadmill reviews said it was silent enough so lets hope I can hear the TV while I am using it. Who knows maybe Hubby will see it differently and try it as well…

My food plan

Before I show you how I did yesterday here is my Fit bit food plan. I had it way harder before but now it’s  on “take it easy mode”.


I don’t really look at “reach your goal date” because I know that things are never that even or simple. It’s just an estimate and my budget vary according to how active I am and how active I usually am. I was scared to start wearing my Fit bit again because I cannot work out at the moment. Work is at the moment my exercise and it make all the muscles in my back and shoulder ache. I went to the Chiropractor last night and can only go back next week so I sure hope my back can handle the daily “kid work out”.

I did better than I though yesterday and was pretty pleased with myself.




I wanted to add another child to my team but decided to wait for my back to be in a better shape. We should be able to pay our bill with my contribution for now so I am thinking it will come in time. I feel very lucky to have my 3 little “day children” and their parents have been very understanding of my illness. I provided them with back up care from another home daycare that used to be government license like me before and I know she could be trusted. That was lucky she had place for all of the 3 children that I am looking after. I think she may have exceeded the allowed number at times when some after-school client were there as well but it was better than the parent missing work and it was their choice to go there or not. Some of my client, like me are not from this town so they don’t have family who can take their children if I am closed so it’s always an inconvenience when I cannot open.

I need my latte now so I am going to go make it Smile

What to say…


It was my turn to pick the “family Christmas present” this year or last year since it’s now 2013. I bought a tread-mill. The (bad) news was taken the hard way from hubby…I guess I didn’t do things right buying it… and then telling him. I am not proud of that part at all and it was very wrong I admitted it. I think he thought I got some of nice looking cabinet to put in the living room and was disappointed on top of being angry at me for the bad choice.image


Last year he really wanted to get the whole ice fishing gear. The tent, heater, lamp, fishing rods, hole maker. I wasn’t thrilled at all but at least he asked for my opinion first and I said yes but the next would be my pick. Fishing is not my thing at all, in fact I just hate having to hope and wait forever and there is never anything at the end of the line. I said yes to the ice fishing gear but only to please him.

Guess what? I have learned to like it. I still don’t care much about the fishing part of it because my kind of fishing would be with a net in an aquarium but I like the open space and the view, being outside, not having to watch my child beside the water, being able to have  a walk on the lake, being with my family and finally catching some fish and eat it, something that never happened to us in summer in Alberta.

So when hubby started to act as if I were crazy for picking such a bad present I reminded him that I thought that  fishing gear for a present sucked last year 2011 but that I have learned to like it and that maybe he would learn to like the tread-mill, after all he would need it just as much as me.

I got it for myself because I need something new to continue my journey but I also got it for him in hope that he would exercise a little before it’s too late. He is obese and apart from the steps he takes at work there is no exercise. He has cholesterol and drinks those stevia yogurt but don’t watch his diet very much.

Something I cannot do for him is to make him change his way but I was dreaming about him having a walk while watching TV. His health is at risk and he doesn’t do much about it but he doesn’t seem to realise that we need him and that he has responsibility to be alive for me but especially for our daughter.

I would like my daughter to have her daddy for a long time(he his such a great daddy to her) and for me to have my partner for a long time as well. It’s why I want it in the living room because this is where we are.

I don’t like to be confined to a room for exercise, it has never worked for me. I need it there  to continue and to reach my goal. Hubby says it doesn’t make any sense, that it will take the whole place, it will look silly etc. I don’t care about the look of our living room as much as I care for our health. A nice cabinet would have looked nice but wouldn’t do much for a healthy life and look nice myself.

I am running out of argument. I don’t see what the big deal is, it’s not like he is using the living room floor for anything. When he is in the living room, he is on the couch watching TV, his phone or iPad.

If I could lift the thing by myself I would do it anyway and I am sure he would see that it’s not so bad after all…but I need him to help…so frustrating! I love him deeply but sometimes we see things so differently…so frustrating!

So is it about where to put the tread-mill or it’s about getting hubby on a healthier life? I just thought it could be easier to get US on a healthier track if this tool would be right here, where we hang out, easy access, ready to use at anytime.

If you have any good point that I didn’t use feel free to write it down for me!

Wii yoga


Yesterday I ate too much at lunch just because there was some left….So something weird happened. After supper I had energy left and no sinus headache(YAY) I decided to do some Wii fit exercises, I did 2 advanced step and the obstacle course and my old yoga routine. It was though! I don’t know if yoga is supposed to tone you but there was some serious muscles shaking happening there. I didn’t realise how much it works you muscles before because I was so used to it. It really helped keeping on goal for the day.

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Up to the roof

This is what I had yesterday


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No time to post

It seems that I have less time to post this morning, I got up at the same time and did the work out but somehow my other moves must have been slower because I am a bit late in my schedule now.

Here is my calories from yesterday.

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I have done my work out today as well. I tried to get out of it of course, thinking I should just keep sleeping a little more. It looks interesting when your half asleep but once awake it looks totally ridiculous to trade a work-out for only 30 minutes of sleep. My back hurts for some reason but hopefully I will get over it and the muscles will take over the pain and stiffness eventually.

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Day #2


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I did it!

It won’t seem very heroic for some but for myself it’s a big deal. So after my “not very good” night of sleep I managed to get up at 5h30. I made my coffee in order to wake up properly, stepped on board to weigh myself and then…..did a work-out! Yes you heard, I did a work out at 5h30 in the morning.

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