Towards Healthy Life

One little thing at the time

Archive for the tag “rest day”

Rest day…

Saturday finally! I slept in, and got up made breakfast, had 2 coffee while watching “the rise of the guardians” with my daughter. Then I played ponies for about 45 minutes. I only have about 500 steps done compare to my 5000 that I usually have by this time of the day. It’s ok it’s the weekend.

Here are my stats of yesterday. I have absolutely nothing else to say for now. Enjoy your Saturday everyone!



I am re-thinking the 1 day without a work out thing. It’s 5hpm and I only have 3829 steps on my Fitbit. The rest of the week was more like 11000,12000 or 15000 steps. The problem is that if I don’t move my calorie allowance is shrinking.

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